21st Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security, and Trust (PST2024)
Technically Co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society
17th/18th October 2024 - Industry Summit - Fredericton, NB, Canada - In-Person & Online
28-30 August 2024 - Sydney, Australia (Hybrid)

Call For Papers

All submissions must be received by 11:59 PM AoE (Anywhere on Earth/ UTC-12) on the day of the corresponding deadline. Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or accepted for publication, or that are simultaneously in submission to a journal, conference, or workshop with published proceedings. All submissions should be properly anonymized; papers not properly anonymized may be rejected without review.
Click here to download the call for papers information!

Submission Guidelines

High-quality papers in all PST-related areas that, at the time of submission, are not under review and have not already been published or accepted for publication elsewhere are solicited. Authors MUST ensure to select the track (Privacy, Security, or Trust) most relevant to their research when submitting their paper. For papers that are accepted, the length of the proceedings version will be at most 10 pages plus references and well-marked appendices (2 pages max, and note that reviewers are not expected to read the appendices), using IEEE Conference Proceedings format. Up to 2 additional pages will be allowed in each category with over-length charges. Every additional page has a cost of 100 USD or 150 AUD. The standard IEEE two-column conference format should be used for all submissions. IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings can be downloaded here. The conference proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore as in previous editions of the conference. At least one author of an accepted paper must register by July 17, 2024. Accepted (short or regular) papers will be published in the proceedings.
For the accepted papers to be included in the proceedings, strict adherence to the instructions on the "Proceedings" page is required.

Double-blind Submission

Reviewing will be double-blind: the reviewers will not know the identities of the authors. It will be up to the authors to ensure the proper anonymization of their paper. For effective anonymization please follow these guidelines:
Do not include any author's name or affiliation in the title. Do not include any acknowledgments. Refer to your own published work in the third person: use “In the previous work of Jones et al.”, not “In our previous work”. If you cite own papers that are not widely available (e.g., a paper currently under review), use anonymous author names in the citation, for example, an author of the form “A. Anonymous”.

To avoid conflict of interest PST 2024 follow the following protocol:
  • Disclosure of Potential COIs:
    • All participants (reviewers, area chairs, and program chairs) must determine and disclose potential conflicts of interest as soon as they have access to the conference submissions.
  • Decision Making:
    • No person shall review or participate in the acceptance decision of any paper for which they have a conflict of interest.
  • Reviewer Anonymity:
    • The identity of reviewers for conflicted papers shall be withheld from all people who have a conflict of interest with those papers. This will be managed by the conference program chairs via Easychair.
Procedural Guidelines:
  1. Track chair must not assign a paper to a reviewer with a conflict of interest. Our conference uses a bidding system. If a conflict exists, the chair will reassign the paper to another reviewer.
  2. If the paper is from the Conference General Chairs or Program Chairs the submission and review process will be as follows:
    • The paper will be submitted to the corresponding track chair via email.
    • Track chair assigns the paper via email to the PC members who do not have COI with the authors.
    • The decision on the paper is based on the given score by the reviewers.
    • If the paper is on the borderline, the track chair will discuss it with the reviewers to make the final decisions.
  3. For Special Issues the decision is solely based on the score of the papers and the relevance of the topic to the SI.

List of Topics

General Cybersecurity
Security and Privacy Challenges in Blockchain and its Applications
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Trust Technologies, Technologies for Building Trust in e-Business Strategy
Network and Wireless Security
Observations of PST in Practice, Society, Policy and Legislation
Privacy Preserving / Enhancing Technologies
Digital Rights Management
Cloud Security, Web Security and Privacy
Identity and Trust Management
Internet of Things (IoT) Security and Privacy
Human Computer Interaction and PST
Operating Systems Security
Biometrics, National ID Cards, Identity Theft
Intrusion Detection / Prevention Technologies
Implications of, and Technologies for, Lawful Surveillance
Secure Software Development and Architecture
Privacy, Traceability, and Anonymity
PST Challenges in e-Services, e.g. e-Health, e- Government, e-Commerce
Trust and Reputation in Self-Organizing Environments
Digital Forensics
Anonymity and Privacy vs. Accountability
Security Analytics and Data Mining
Access Control and Capability Delegation
Cryptographic Technologies
Representations and Formalizations of Trust in Electronic and Physical Social Systems
Recommendation, Reputation and Delivery Technologies
Security and Privacy Challenges in Blockchain Technology
Continuous Authentication
Security and Privacy Challenges in ML-enabled Systems

PST Special Sessions

A special Issue is dedicated to PST where up to 14 elected papers presented at the PST2024 will be recommended (after significant extension with 40% new material) for a special issue of Journal of Computational Intelligence (CI) based on the topic suitability. Final decision will be determined by the conference organizing committee. Also, papers accepted/published by PST will be recommended to other special issues below (after significant extensions with 40 new materials). The final acceptance depends on several additional rounds of reviews performed by the journal editor(s). The recommended papers will be placed in the fast-track category.

  • Applied Soft Computing journal, Impact factor: 8.7 Special Issue: Neural Architectures for cybersecurity
  • Adhoc Networks, Impact factor: 4.8 Sciencedirect-CFP
  • International Journal of Web Information Systems, Impact factor: 1.2 Emeraldgrouppublishing-CFP
  • IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, SI "Future Proofing Consumer Applications: AI-driven Predictive Security Measure"
Or go to the following link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pst2024

Important Dates

Paper Submission:
May 1, 2024
May 18, 2024, 11:59pm (AoE)
Acceptance Notification:
July 1, 2024

July 17, 2024
Conference Date:
August 28-30, 2024